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Welcome to M.U.M.C.

We Strive to be W.I.S.E. in Christ.


Sunday Worship!

Learn the real meaning of life and happiness.

MUMC Strives to be W.I.S.E.

Worship, Invite, Serve, Equip

• Worship the Lord with joy and thanksgiving

• Invite all to have a relationship with Jesus Christ

• Serve in love to reach the highest good for all

• Equip ourselves to be and to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world

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View Our Calendar

“The First Noel” at The American Music Theatre | Friday, November 24, 2023

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Cost: $135

Non-Refundable Deposit: $85 due NLT Sunday October 22, 2023

Final Payment: $50 due NLT Sunday November 12, 2023

Cost includes: Transportation, Show Ticket and Lunch (at Miller’s Smorgasbord)

Bus will leave from Metropolitan UMC promptly at 7:30AM and will return at approx. 8:00PM.


Metropolitan UMC – 548 Queentown Rd, Severn, MD 21144

American Music Theatre – 2425 Lincoln Hwy E, Lancaster, PA 17602

For additional show information: The First Noel – American Music Theatre


2023 The First Noel- MUMW


Extensions of Faith in Concert | Saturday, November 11, 2023 | 4PM

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Tickets available now! POC: Gloria Grady

It’s A Celebration

Featuring The Maryland Boys Choir & The Latrice Johnson Dancers

Adults $10

Children (age 11 and under) $5

Doors open at 3:45PM

Praise begins at 4PM

Location: Chesapeake Arts Center | 194 Hammonds Ln, Baltimore, MD 21225

Sponsored by The Arts Council of Anne Arundel County

Fall Revival – Churches United For Christ Cluster of Anne Arundel County

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Churches United For Christ Cluster of Anne Arundel County

91 W. Earleigh Heights Road

Severna Park, MD 21146

Pastor Jesse E. Young, Cluster Leader

Ministry Line: 410-299-7232

The Churches United For Christ Cluster of Anne Arundel County will be having it’s

Fall Revival Starting…Wednesday September 13th thru Friday September 15th 2023 @ 12 Noon and 7:00 p.m.


All 12 Noon Worships will be held at Silas First Baptist Church of Severna Park

All 7:00 p.m. Worships will be held at Asbury Town Neck UMC in Severna Park

Friday September 15th @ 7:00 p.m. The Stewart Brothers will be in Concert

Wednesday September 13th @ 7:00 p.m.  Minister Jeremiah Medlin

Thursday September 14th @ 7:00 p.m.  Dr. Gwendolyn O. Young

Friday September 15th @ 7:00 p.m. “Stewart Brothers in Concert”



Back to School Jam

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Saturday August 26, 2023

2PM -4PM

Giving away free backpacks and school supplies! (*While supplies last.)

(Rain date – Sunday August 27, 2023)

Location – Parking Lot

548 Queenstown Rd, Severn, MD 21144

Come See us for Sunday Worship

We hold service at 10am every Sunday and would love to have you!
Every Sunday

We hold service every Sunday. Rain, snow, sleet, or hail, we’ll be here for you!

Beautiful Music

Our Music Ministry puts together a beautiful lineup tailored to the sermon.

Unlock Happiness

Bring happiness to your life through our Lord Jesus Christ!

Our Belief

We strive to grow in love of God and neighbor and self as disciples of Jesus Christ in the Wesleyan tradition.

Church History

The year 1917 marks the beginning of the church’s history.  A few members of the Queenstown community met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Gaither, for the purpose of organizing a church to serve the needs of the community.   The basic plans and programs were established and at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gaither on 4th Avenue in Glen Burnie, a church was organized.  The Reverend W. N. Holt was the first pastor of a small charge.  He named the church after the larger Metropolitan Methodist Church of Baltimore with hopes that it would become another dominant church.  The founders of the church were Augustus Travers, Charles Wallace, Charles Toogood, George Hall, Howard Gaither, and Rufus Harrod. Mr. Harry Donaldson built the original church and donated the bell.  A bell ringing service was held in 1918.

My wife Regina grew up in this church and I came in the summer of 1959, as her young husband, when I was discharged from the U. S. Air Force. In the fall of 1967, after much coaxing by the elders, I reluctantly accepted the position of Building Committee Chairman but through GOD’s grace, and the tolerance of the Metropolitan family, we moved into our new building in September 1976. I have served in a number of official positions since 1976 and as I approach the end of my 60th year as a member of this church and step down from the last official position I will hold I reflect on a faith journey which only GOD could have envisioned and thank HIM for delivering me to a wonderful place called Metropolitan United Methodist Church of Severn, Maryland.

Melvin L. KellyCongregation Member

Why Did You Join Metropolitan United Methodist Church (MUMC)?
Well, glad you asked, Let me count the reasons:
MUMC’s congregational family atmosphere, that was important being that I was raised in family-oriented church. MUMC’s commitment to ministering within the community. MUMC allowed me to grow spiritually, primarily due to close association with the Pastors. MUMC allows me to understand the business aspect of the church and how that integrates into the ministries of the church. Most importantly, MUMC’s commitment to making disciples of Jesus Christ.

Melvin GradyCongregation Member

I was content for years to just come to church to hear a sermon and enjoy the gospel music. But there came a time when I decided that God wanted more from me. I stepped out on faith to give my time and efforts to do work that I felt God would have me to do to the best of my ability. This has been so fulfilling and a blessing to me.

Jessica SnipesCongregation Member